iStat Pro, OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion) and Processes

Recently upgraded to OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion) and found that the awesome Dashboard widget iStat Pro made by the fine folks at Bjango wasn’t 100% compatible.

I found a solution on the MacRumors forum. Just make sure you check the settings for the widget, I was thoroughly confused by the settings being changed to sort processes by memory usage. (Problem and solution copy/pasted at the end of the post.)


It’s easy to fix iStat Pro processes for Mountain Lion


1. Locate your widget, it will be under /Library/Widgets or ~/Library/Widgets

2. Right click it and select: “Show Package Contents”

3. Open Wide.js or Tall.js file in some editor (Wide is for horizontal view, Tall for vertical)

4. Locate the line


WideSkinController.prototype.updateProcesses = function(){var _self = this;

var exclude = “”;

if(p.v(“processes_excludewidgets”) == ‘on’)

exclude = ” grep -v DashboardClient | “;

if(p.v(“processes_sort_mode”) == ‘cpu’)

widget.system(‘ps -arcwwwxo “pid %cpu command” | egrep “PID|$1” | grep -v grep | ‘ + exclude + ‘ head -7 | tail -6 | awk \'{print “<pid>”$1″</pid><cpu>”$2″</cpu><name>”$3,$4,$5″</name></item>”}\”, function(data){ _self.updateProcessesOut(data);});


widget.system(‘ps -amcwwwxo “pid rss command” | egrep “PID|$1” | grep -v grep | ‘ + exclude + ‘ head -7 | tail -6 | awk \'{print “<pid>”$1″</pid><cpu>”$2″</cpu><name>”$3,$4,$5″</name></item>”}\”, function(data){ _self.updateProcessesOut(data);});


Change “PID|$1” to “PID| $1” (Add space before $ sign)

5. Save the changes

6. remove widget and re-add it Dashboard, and it should be fixed


Now for the minor problem.

Originally Posted by hanshans-supi View Post
The fix does not work right for me. It shows some processes, but not with their percentage like i was used to it. Now it show off the memory-usage of the processes. Can someone fix it?


Did your settings change? Look in the settings under General and make sure Sort processes by is set to CPU usage not Memory usage.




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